Portrait of Sunflowers
by Maria Hunt
Buy the Original Painting
9.000 x 12.000 inches
This original painting is currently for sale. At the present time, originals are not offered for sale through the Maria Hunt Official Website secure checkout system. Please contact the artist directly to inquire about purchasing this original.
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Portrait of Sunflowers
Maria Hunt
Painting - Watercolor With Pen & Ink
The colors in these sunflowers were more subtle than the actual subject, so I added a background to contrast with the flowers. Still needed more and the Pen and Ink addition helped make it an interesting portrait of these happy flowers.
Special AWARDS
Special thanks to the following Fine Art America/Pixel Groups for Featurng this painting:
1000 Views on 1 image 08/25/2018
Art District 08/24/2018
Exquisite Florals 07/14/2017
Mixed Media Art 06/16/2017
Watercolor Painting 07/31/2014
Contemporary Floral 07/08/2014
World of Sunflowers 07/02/2014
Content: #sunflowers #floral# #flowers #watercolor#painting#pen and Ink,#Best watercolor sunflower paintings
May 30th, 2014
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Comments (184)
Maria Hunt
Special thanks to the patron from Wichita, KS for purchasing this, and three other of my Sunflower paintings. It is always an honor for someone from Kansas to purchase my sunflower paintings. : )) : )) https://fineartamerica.com/saleannouncement.html?id=c8295b3aacbdd26818e9d35561e4220f
Maria Hunt
Special thanks to the patron from Wichita, KS for purchasing this, and three other of my Sunflower paintings. It is always an honor for someone from Kansas to purchase my sunflower paintings. : ))
Maria Hunt
Regina... I thank you for your kind support. I have been unable to find the sites to promote others. I make a terrible detective. : ((
Regina Geoghan
This is beautiful Maria. L/F Pinned Wall Décor Art in Yellow and in Artistic Friends.
Maria Hunt
Sincere thanks to the buyer from Douglassville, PA.for purchasing this image for large weekender tote