Such a Cheery Note
by Maria Hunt
Buy the Original Painting
6.000 x 8.000 x 1.000 inches
This original painting is currently for sale. At the present time, originals are not offered for sale through the Maria Hunt Official Website secure checkout system. Please contact the artist directly to inquire about purchasing this original.
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Such a Cheery Note
Maria Hunt
Painting - Watercolor
A watercolor painting of cherries in a glass bowl. Fun to paint. Lacked character until I put in the interesting background and the cherries tell the story (until then, they were whispering only).
Special AWARDS:
Special Feature on ABC Group Home Page
2nd place - D is For Delicious contest.
1st Place Tie - Red White Black Contest
3rd Place - Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Contest 7/12/17
2nd Place Tie - Circles Contest 11/28/18
A special thank you to the following Fine Art America groups for featuring this painting :
Dining Dr 08/01/2014
The World We See 08/08/2014
Glass paintings and... 09/02/2016
The Gallery Wall 08/09/2015
1000 Views on 1 image 01/09/2017
Art District 06/26/2017
Classic Still Life 05/01/2017
September 15th, 2013
Similar Subjects
Comments (336)
Laurel Adams
Dear Maria, I think of you so often with wonderful memories of painting intershares, and your kindnesses many to me, …a newbie. No longer a novice to FAA, I still continue to re-visit and love my favorites of your portfolio, my dear friend and mentor! I eagerly anticipate seeing one of your amazing vintage repurposing exercises or a diminutive…I KNOW you still have the …”magie d’automne au fond de votre cœur”.
Laurel Adams
Ohhh!... Maria re-visiting another favorite....and remembering your DECEMBER 2019 FAA TONY AWARD WIN!!... which you truly never got to enjoy. Hoping you are able to see this comment and know how valued your glimpses of BEAUTY are to me, to FAA, to Global viewers!! So grateful for this glimpse today!!
VIVA Anderson
I adore these cheery cherries, dear Maria......more happiness for me, with thanks to you, dear lady...........fv...........VIVA
Laurel Adams
Maria, this is one of my favorites of your portfolio ( other than your Magie d’Automne)....:))) I am so grateful to A for posting a revisitation!
Sandy McIntire
I love all of your art, but one is a special favorite. Thank you for commenting on my work. I think we share the same tastes.
Marsha Heiken
Maria,this is so amazining. Your a wonderful artist.That glass is awesome and the cheeries I could eat. WOW Marsha FL