Studying the Menu
by Maria Hunt
Buy the Original Painting
5.000 x 7.000 inches
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Studying the Menu
Maria Hunt
Painting - Pen And Ink
A cat sits under the tree, studying the lunch posibilities with a Hooded Oriole resting on a lower branch and a Robin on another. The graceful tree becomes the perfectly-appointed dining establishment. PLEASE NOTE: The Artist placed the birdies high enough to avoid capture and gave them wings,Too bad, Le Chat will not dine here, today.
Special AWARDS:
1st Place Pen and Ink art scenic and Nautical Contest 9/10/16
1st place tie - From your sketchbook 4/28/18
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Images That Excites you 08/18/2017
Art District 08/18/2017
Pen and Ink Art of EVERYTHING 01/13/2017
Black and White 08/23/2014
Appreciating Works.. 06/25/2014
Oh HAPPY DAY - 1 per day 01/31/2015
Lyrical Trees - Vi... 06/22/2014
tree, lone tree, trees, bird in the tree, cat, pen an ink, black cat, yellow oriole, elegant tree
June 20th, 2014
Comments (168)
Maria Hunt
La Chat has just found a home in Memphis, TN. I am thrilled that kitty can review the menu in a charming environment.. Warmest wishes to Daniel and Joshua.
Joyce Dickens
As I use my cat Shasta as my signature, this one caught my eye Maria; every thing that you create is absolutely awesome; this is no exception!!
Maria Hunt replied:
How very sweet that Shasta is your Signature. Thank you, Joyce for your kind comment : ))
Sharon McConnell
Beautiful work, Maria - I especially love kitties, so this really appeals to me! Saw in the Semi-Abstract group thread. L/F
Maria Hunt
Genevieve, I had never drawn a cat... and I was so proud of the cat that I saved the drawing.. just plain fun.
Genevieve Esson
Beautifully done Maria. Love the style and energy you put in this wonderful tree drawing! v/f
Sarah Batalka
Congrats on your 1st place tie in the From Your Sketchbook contest, Maria! A fun image and description! L/F
Henryk Gorecki
Fantastic tree , adorable small yellow bird and greed of sympathetic cat!Congratulations on winning 1st Place in From Your Sketchbook Contest!-L/F
Reynold Jay
Congratulations on the feature and I like it too! Beautiful work of art Maria! Well done. FAVORITE!
Maria Hunt
Well, I am honored .... and Mr. Cat is also pleased... He thinks this painting is all about him. : )) Thank you, Chris.