Smoke Trees in Bloom in Palm Desert
by Maria Hunt
Buy the Original Painting
20.000 x 24.000 inches
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Smoke Trees in Bloom in Palm Desert
Maria Hunt
Painting - Oil On Panel
Smoke Trees in Bloom in South Palm Desert, located at the Visitor Center in the Santa Rosa Mountains, up Highway 74. The smoketree, indigenous to the Coachella Valley is found in the rural areas where gate guarded communities have not filled the space. The blue-grey spikes (not child-friendly) are enhanced by the blue-violet blooms which cover much of the tree in June.
Special AWARDS
2nd Place Tie- Oil Painters of America online showcase July 7/21/17
Special THANKS to the following Fine Art America/Pixels Groups for Featuring this painting:
Ladies Club 01/04/2019
Semi Abstract - .01/04/2019
Your Story of Art 01/01/2019
Phenomenal Club 04/22/2017
Five Star Artist 04/12/2017
Art District 03/23/2017
Pictures for present: 03/21/2017
Exclusively Drawing & Painting 03/21/2017
Lyrical Trees - Vibrant Wavelength. 03/17/2017
Imagination-Artistry.. 03/07/2017
Images That Excite You - 03/03/2017
south palm desert, blooming smoke trees, landscape, desertscape, Mountains, distant mountains, clouds,
March 1st, 2017
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Comments (238)
Alex Lapidus
Lovely colors! I like how the clouds echo the trees.
Maria Hunt replied:
Thank you, Alex. The trees look like puffs of smoke in the distance. Thank you for your kind observation, : ))
Hanne Lore Koehler
Fantastic painting of this spectacular scene, Maria! Beautiful representation of smoke trees! Gorgeous colors, style and composition! L/F/T/FB
Kathy Braud
Love this scene, Maria.... and wishing you happy painting this whole summer and more. L/f
Sharon Eng
Wonderful painting. This must be a beautiful sight in person, but you've captured it well.
Maria Hunt
Thank you so much for the compliment..and the kind thoughts. I have not done serious painting for a while. This is a good reminder of how much fun to create something new.
Kathy Braud
I have seen this image several times of late, Maria, and I just love it! gorgeous color combinations and very soft edges. Mmmmmmmmmm so beautiful! I actually thought it was brand new! I do hope you are enjoying your painting times..... L/f
Maria Hunt
So appreciate the program that allows peers to promote the works of their fellow artists, Chris. I am on my way to the home page to promote other artists