Infinity Pool In the Gardens at Annenburg Estate
by Maria Hunt
Buy the Original Painting
12.000 x 16.000 x 0.100 inches
This original painting is currently for sale. At the present time, originals are not offered for sale through the Maria Hunt Official Website secure checkout system. Please contact the artist directly to inquire about purchasing this original.
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Infinity Pool In the Gardens at Annenburg Estate
Maria Hunt
Painting - Watercolor
Artists were allowed to come into a "Closed" Sunnyland, attached to the Annenberg Estate, for a private plein air painting opportunity. A watercolor painting of the reflection pond at the Sunnylands Estate in Palm Desert, CA. was the only place available for an unobstructed view... with no other easel in the line of sight. It isn't the most interesting location but the reflection of the Palos Verdes was wonderful to attempt.... I didn't do it justice. .. Life goes on.
Special AWARDS :
2nd place tie - New Logo for 500 Views Group Contest. 4/28/18
Special THANKS to the following Pixel/Fine Art America groups for featuring this painting:
Impressionism Group 12/01/2017
1000 Views on 1 im...12/24/2017
Imagination-Artistry-creativity 10/01/2017
Images That Excite You - 9/18/2017
Art District 04/11/2017
500 Views -1 Image...03/26/2017
Pictures for presence 02/08/2017
Beauty in Art - 1 ...01/10/2017
October 12th, 2015
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Comments (175)
Anne Gifford
Plein air is so difficult, at least for me, with it's rapidly changing light and the necessity to paint quickly to capture the moment. I think you did a fabulous job of depicting these interesting reflections! like/f
Sarah Batalka
A calming and beautiful scene, Maria. Voting for you in the contest for the logo of the 500 Group! L/F/v
Megan Walsh
Revisiting this beautiful painting. Maria, this is one of my favorites :) what a gifted artist you are my friend :)
Christopher James
Congratulation.....your wonderful work has been featured in the 1000 Views on 1 Image Group l/f/p Merry Christmas
Lori Pittenger
Congratulations Maria, your outstanding artwork has been featured on the leading page of 'Impressionism' group! Please visit the archives and catalogs in the group's discussions and add your beautiful work! Lori
Johanna Hurmerinta
Congratulations! Your creative art has been featured in the “Imagination-Artistry-Creativity” group. LF! You are welcome to archive this image in: Feature Archive & Thank You Thread