Feeding Those in Need
by Maria Hunt
Original - Sold
40.000 x 30.000 x 2.000 inches
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Feeding Those in Need
Maria Hunt
Painting - Oil On Canvas
A portion of all sales from this Solo Exhibit, "Farming In The Desert" was donated to "Hidden Harvest", a charity here in the California desert, dedicated to feeding the less fortunate. the sale of this and two smaller paintings resulted in a donation of $500
This image was not only to be the Invitation for my solo exhibit, but was to be a projected d background for the McCallum Stage hosting the annual Fundraiser Luncheon. The sky and the foreground, and shadows repainted far too many times.. I do love the corrections that make the sky work.
About the painting:
After the harvest, gleaning takes place, then cleaning and donating of produce to elderly, homeless and F.I.N.D-participants who give out food to those in need. The founder, Christy Porter, worked with the farming industry to glean their fields and, sometimes entire crops or acreage donated to feeding those in need. In her 10 years of rescuing crops left to rot in the fields, her organization gathered over 10 million pounds of vegetables and fruits to distribute to the poor.
About this painting: Seeking another site for painting Artichokes in Bloom, I got lost and found this magical moment of early morning light bathing the mountains, bright green fields of lettuce and corn, and clouds still warm with color. That moment inspired this painting. The foreman needed his people to start gathering lettuces, but allowed me a moment to take a few photographs, then put his team in the field and gave me directions to the artichoke field of Desert Mist growers. Later you'll see the artichoke paintings. This was my favorite of the lot. Special awards:
1st place - Paintings of Farming Contest 9/6/15
2nd Place - Philanthropy Art 10/2/18
Impressionists Of the 21 Century 06/26/2014
Premium FAA Artist... 06/25/2014
The World We See 06/18/2014
1 Weekly - ALL Stars 10/11/2015
Exclusively Drawing and Painting 08/28/2016
Artists Get Famous 08/11/2016
Philanthropic Artists - .09/12/2018
Big Sky of Art - 09/30/2018
landscape, tractor, fields of lettuce, sunrise, mountains, farming in the desert, farming, harvest, desert farming, d�r, business d�r, home d�r,
September 15th, 2013
Similar Subjects
Comments (231)
Henryk Gorecki
Beautiful view of vast fields,masterful painting with noble intention!Great work,Maria!-L/F,v
Maria Hunt
Karen, thank you so much for your kind comment on this work... It was quite a struggle. I appreciate your selecting this to comment on. : ))
Wonderful painting Maria!f/l
Maria Hunt replied:
Leanne, i am honored that you break away from the demands to take time to comment on my art. Thanks so very much.
Maria Hunt
Thank you, Peggy. This was the centerpiece of an exhibit of 49 paintings of farming in our Coachella Valley... This one painting helped make a $500 contribution to Hidden Harvest. I appreciate your commented on this painting. It is one of the most difficult of the "Farming" Series. I am thanking you for selecting it.
Michael Durst
Love this wonderful painting with its colors and perspective! Love your work, Maria!
Maria Hunt replied:
Michael, I thank you, This is Coachella Valley... It was an outstanding sunrise and the light on the mountains and fields made the setting perfect.