California Palms in the Preserve
by Maria Hunt
Buy the Original Painting
6.000 x 8.000 inches
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California Palms in the Preserve
Maria Hunt
Painting - Oil On Canvas
A popular place to visit in the Palm Springs area, is the Thousand Palms Preserve. The Preserve has scenic hiking trails that lead to a natural oasis, with stands of palms and the option of standing on the San Andreas Fault line. There is a measure of serenity there, and a perfect place to picnic in the shade of the palms after a lovely hike or a morning spent painting en plein air. I have painted this preserve from multiple perspectives. It was said to me, "It is the process- not the end result that matters" and while I like the "end result" to be a painting worth selling, I do get a sense of "Anchoring" Joy in the land on which I stand and paint. Because there is a space a painter goes to that is joyful, peaceful, with a sense of connection to the earth and the beauty therein, I get the sense of the "Journey"..
The original is an 6x8 in a simple elegant Plein Air frame. A larger original of the painting process
Special thanks to the Fine Art America groups for the honor of having this painting featured:
Ladies Club 12/27/2018
Bedroom Art Gallery 04/19/2017
500 Views -1 Image one/day 03/19/2017
F A A - Pixels All Stars 06/26/2016
A Broad Landscape 07/09/2015
Anything Van Goghs 05/14/2015
Images That Excite You 01/13/2015
In the Mood 01/02/2015
Premium FAA Artists...12/24/2014
Mountains And Hills 12/23/2014
The World We See 12/23/2014
The Galleria of Interior Design 12/23/2014
Desert scene, San Andreas Canyon, Purple mountains, palms, Southwest, California desert, Dr, Office Dr, Home Dr, Maria Hunt, Palm Springs Area, Open Impressionism: California Desert
December 23rd, 2014
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Comments (174)
Hanne Lore Koehler
Fantastic desert landscape painting, Maria! Gorgeous color! Masterful artistic style and composition! L/F
Maria Hunt
My dear Henryk -- Hoping you have adjusted to your new Wings You will be missed.. Until I earn my wings... Maria
Nancy Griswold
I love your plein air, like this one, they are so vital and alive, your color is outstanding too FAV
Brian Tada
Beautiful masterpiece of serenity, Maria! What a magnificent California desert portrait... absolutely lovely composition! F/L
Henryk Gorecki
Wondrous landscape,beautiful light and color,perfect composition!Masterful painting,Maria!-L/F
Maria Hunt
Dave Your comments always make my artist's heart smile... and our ongoing awards on each other's art require more creativity than our paintings do. I have to stroll through your gallery for an update on your latest works.
Dave Farrow
This is one of those paintings that gets better every time you view it. This beautiful piece is especially relaxing and serene. Of course this beauty earns the highly prized "Lavender Lady". Enjoy it my dear. l.v.f.