Baby Cabernets in Sunlight
by Maria Hunt
Buy the Original Painting
23.000 x 22.000 inches
This original painting is currently for sale. At the present time, originals are not offered for sale through the Maria Hunt Official Website secure checkout system. Please contact the artist directly to inquire about purchasing this original.
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Baby Cabernets in Sunlight
Maria Hunt
Painting - Watercolor
Cabernet Sauvignon grapes make the colorful transition from small green globes through pinks, lavender to the dark elegant clusters. 22x22 with companion piece in 8x22 showing one long bunch of grapes similar to the central one in this image. Sunlight pours through the vines.And this, as they say, is the rest of the story -- the unsold 2/3rds of the picture.
A special "Thank you" to those groups in FineArtAmerica how have featured this work:
The World We See
January 13th, 2014
Comments (79)
Nisha Verma
Wow! Excellent painting, Maria! I can see the real grapes, Absolutely marvelous! So beautifully done! L/F
Nava Thompson
Maria---you are the master at painting grapes and grape leaves---and there is nothing more beautiful. lvf
Conni Schaftenaar
Thanks, Maria, for sharing "the rest of the story" with this part of the painting. Totally lovely, as are all your vineyard works . . . L/F, sharing on FB, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Maria Urso
This particular painting is mezmorizing. The sun rays or sun star in this tree I believe is what the finishing touch was on this. It is a very spiritual image for me, reminding me of the water turned into wine and the wine symbolic of His blood and how it surrounds us and covers us. The star of light His glory which touches all things, for we are the "fruit of His vine".